❓Frequently Asked Questions

This page is always growing and being updated - check in once every so often!

In a few words, what is EarnX and why should I care?

EarnX has been designed and built as an innovative, trust-less, decentralised Binance Smart Chain (BSC) token that rewards and distributes Yield and profits to EarnX token holders.

Essentially, the value of EarnX is based on creating a passive income and store of value for our community.

Has EarnX smart contracts been audited?

Currently, we are yet to be audited by an external smart contract team. As you can imagine, there are long wait times and in order to expedite the smart contract review, it'll cost. Our plan is to hopefully have these smart contracts audited within 1 week post token sale.

Update: Audit completed by ChainSyS - download report summary here: https://app.gitbook.com/@earnx/s/introducing-earnx/~/drafts/-MWA2L5ZQ21QcQSJ4z1m/earnx-token/earnx-audit s

Keep an eye on our roadmap: https://www.notion.so/9a1b7cf2e9b549318b2471e01374d7ef?v=d82d2b4b28c24b399a182b70de2904ee

Last updated